I’m so excited to get to tell you guys about the Yearly Membership from SchoolhouseTeachers.com as my first official review with the Schoolhouse Review Crew! SchoolhouseTeachers offers everything you need to homeschool your kids including online classes, printable lessons, educational
Interview Fun!
Good morning! Or afternoon. Whatever. I’ve only had one cup of coffee so far today. I know, it’s crazy! I just wanted to make a quick post to share a link to finchnwren.com where I had the pleasure of being
Another Way
Hello there! Sorry It’s been awhile. We’ve been…I dunno, I’d say busy, but the past two days the majority of my time has been spent binge reading The Lunar Chronicles, and now I’m in withdrawals because I have to wait
Imaginary Divisions
I came across a post today that made me chuckle…until I really thought about it. Someone apparently decided it was high time to point out that there are different types of homeschoolers, and wrote a post entitled, “The 5 Tiers
The Token Slacker
It’s December. And for us that means no school. (No, we don’t go longer in the summer. No, we don’t do tons of Christmas related educational activities instead.) I could justify it by saying we’ve already mastered a lot this