WooHoo! It’s National Novel Writing Month! Last November I participated in the challenge to buckle down and write an entire 50,000 word novel during the month of November! And I did it! Since then, I also wrote the first draft
Wisdom from Grandpa
I was lucky growing up…we lived near both sets of grandparents, and I spent a ton of time with them. Apparently neither my parents nor Misteris’s wants to move out in the boondocks with us, so my kids are missing
Waiting, numbers…and letting go.
My awesome-sauce readers, I apologize for my unexpected absence in February. Life just happened, I guess. Nothing in particular, just a combination of busyness,the sickies (over and over), focusing on my book, and not really feeling all that inspired to
I did it! I “won” National Novel Writing Month, also known as “NaNoWriMo.” By “won” I mean, I wrote 50,000 words, the requirement to make it to the winners page. I also succeeded in getting down on paper the entire