My nine year old daughter, Evergreen, loves fun apps for her phone so she was excited to receive a free copy of the Daily Bible Jigsaw from Planet 316 along with the 500 Puzzle Coins bundle for us to review.

Daily Bible Jigsaw app from Planet 316. Freee to play. | Review by Running With Spears #puzzleapp #freeapps #bibleapp

This app has a new puzzle every day that takes a few minutes to put together. Once the puzzle is finished it adds an inspirational Bible verse. The app itself is free to download, but there are optional coins to purchase in-app. The coins let you do things like play puzzles from past days, rotate pieces, and pull out just the edges of the puzzle. There’s a timer, and though Evergreen doesn’t take advantage of the feature, you can play with friends and see each other’s top times.

game_icon_zpsxcg9czjrEvergreen says she loves this delightful little app. Her favorite thing about it is that the pieces aren’t automatically rotated the right way so it’s more challenging than other puzzle apps she’s played. The main thing she likes to use her coins on is playing the older puzzles so she can do more than one a day. She says it usually takes her between five and ten minutes to do a puzzle without using any coins to make it easier, but she has solved some of the puzzles in under two minutes. Her only frustration is that there are a number of elements, such as participating in the “Tourney” that require her to connect to Facebook, so since she doesn’t have Facebook she misses out on that.

When I tried it out using the edges feature at the beginning, and then using the magnet once to put two random pieces together for me and the guide to see what the picture I’m trying to make is, it still took me thirteen minutes. I honestly don’t really enjoy puzzles that much, and am not very good at them, though. My seven year old, Boo, said these puzzles were much too hard for her.

Daily Bible Jigsaw app from Planet 316. Freee to play. | Review by Running With Spears #puzzleapp #freeapps #bibleapp

If you enjoy puzzles you should check out Daily Bible Jigsaw. You  can also hop over to the Homeschool Review Crew link-up to check out what other reviewers have to say. 🙂



Daily Bible Jigsaw App Review

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