It’s December, you guys!!!! That means my love of all things Christmas is now acceptable to display! I won’t tell you how long I’ve been playing Christmas music, though. (Artist would claim it’s been since our first really cold day in like September or something, this may or may not be is totally true.)

angelAnyhoo…I know you guys have heard of Elf on the Shelf. But I want to tell you about The Christmas Angel!

The Christmas Angel arrived at our house three years ago, and it’s such a beautiful part of our advent season!

The Angel is kind of like the Elf in that she moves to a new, fun spot each night. But the beautiful thing about her is that she points to the real meaning of Christmas, and leaves a note each day prompting us to do something for others.

Soooo, honestly the first year I started out too gung-ho about doing really awesome things every single day, and it was too much for me. I’ve since learned to be more strategic about purposefully choosing days that I know I can handle doing something bigger, and days we need to do things that take very little effort from me. At The Christmas Angel website they have all kinds of ideas for messages the angel can leave, from smiling at everyone to baking cookies to take up the your local fire station.

Last year I was super lame most days and the Angel left messages like “Send an encouraging text!” But the girls still loved it. 😀

This year I was thinking of just doing the twelve days before Christmas, but since our church is doing a food drive this Sunday I think we’ll start that morning with a message to donate food. 😉

angel2Oh and lets not forget Christmas morning with the Angel! Last year our Angel was set up with a Happy Birthday Jesus card and a super cute play cake! The girls loved it and it was fun to focus on the real meaning of Christmas for a bit before they opened stockings or anything. I haven’t decided exactly how I’ll do that this year….pulling back out the same cake that has been boxed up since February, or baking a real cake, or what…but I definitely want to make it part of our Christmas morning tradition!


Christmas Angel!

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