You guys! I’m so grateful! I really should gush more often. I mean my precious girls…be still my heart! Baby Apple on the way! The most amazing Misteris in the world! A good, good Heavenly Father who is perfect in all of His ways to me! (That song just gets me every time.) Awesome parents and siblings and a fantastic extended family! A great home in a splendid neighborhood with the best neighbors a girl could ask for! Books! Coffee!
I could go on and on, but I’ll stop for now. (Though I’d be remiss not to give a quick shout out to those of you who faithfully read my posts, you all rock socks! I’m so grateful for you!) Anyway, I hope you’re all enjoying a beautiful day and counting your blessings! I know I am!
Plus, tomorrow we get to start decorating for Christmas!!! WooHoo!!!
Happy Thanksgiving! 😀