I’ve been supplementing my girls’ studies with my Help Teaching Pro Subscription from HelpTeaching.com and I’m excited to be sharing my review with you guys!

Supplementing Homeschool studies with HelpTeaching.com | Review by Running With Spears #printables #printableworksheets

HelpTeaching.com is a website with tons of printable worksheets, online lessons, tests,  customizable bingo and word search printables and more for grades PreK-12. It offers resources for many subjects, including English language arts, math, science, arts and music, social studies, and physical education. The Help Teaching Pro Subscription allows you to give up to 100 questions in your custom tests and worksheets, use premium content such as Common Core aligned ELA & math printables, and use printables with high-quality images. It also gives you the ability to have your kids take custom made online tests.

Fall printables from HelpTeaching.com | Review by Running With Spears #printableworksheetsI haven’t actually given either of my girls an online test yet, but I did play around with it. You can either browse questions created by other members, search for questions by keyword, category, or grade, or create your own, which I thought was incredibly awesome! Just for fun, I searched “Harry Potter” and found a bunch of questions that would make some fun tests, including clever math questions that some much more creative than I  members have created!

I’ve loved using the word search feature! My nine year old, Artist, is a huge fan of word searches, so the ability to create custom ones for her is awesome! I decided to start by printing out quiz on 7th grade vocabulary (because that’s around the grade level she’s working on for language arts this year) and then putting each of the words in a custom word search she could have fun with after we went through the quiz together. The tool to create the word search was super easy to use and it came out great! I was quite pleased!

Another fun way I’ve been using HelpTeaching.com came about after a lightbulb moment I had while I was talking to my husband about what has and hasn’t been working in our homeschool, and what we can do to try to make this year better.

early education printables from HelpTeaching.com | Review by Running With Spears #printablesA big thing that I was stressing about is how in the world to help my almost seven year old, Boo, actually learn to read. We spent this past year with that as our primary educational focus for her, and tried so many different programs to help her, with little success. Yes she’s getting a bit better, but one of her big problems is that she just doesn’t seem to care. But she does  think playing teacher is a lot of fun, so we decided to pretend  she’s totally equipped to teach her almost 3 year old sister the alphabet (despite the fact that apparently even though I’ve been trying to teach Boo her letters since she  was 3, she keeps forgetting them).

I decided that every day I’d print out two copies of a letter coloring page from HelpTeaching.com and encourage Boo to teach her little sister all about it and oh my goodness,  this has seriously been the best idea ever! The two of them go off and color the pages and I hear Boo telling her little sister over and over what letter it is and what sound it makes and all that jazz! And finally Boo seems to be remembering her letters! Yay!

help teachingI plan to have Boo “teach” her little sister using lots of the the early education printables on HelpTeaching.com this year, because they could honestly both benefit from most of it (though Boo has been doing great in all her subjects except reading…still, being the “teacher” seems to be great for her, and for me cause then I don’t have to do it 😉 ). In the past I’ve tried searching google for letter coloring pages to use, but these are all in one place, and they’re done well, print in a good size, and all the things…so if you have little kids I definitely recommend that you check them out!

Be sure to hop on over to the Schoolhouse Review Crew link-up to see what other reviewers have to say!


Printable Worksheets for Homeschool!

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