So, my girls LOOVE Halloween, dressing up, going to a festival, and beginning last year even trick-or-treating around our neighborhood (my typically timid sweeties actually went up and knocked on doors, what?!?!  Moral of the story = candy is a really powerful motivator). 😉

SPD friendly Halloween costumes | Running With Spears #halloween #spdIMG_2720But when even every day clothing has to be all soft cotton with nothing rough or itchy, finding costumes can be a challenge. Last year Artist was a fashion designer with a costume she created herself, and Boo was an archer with a cloak we made from a soft fleece blankie. The girls LOVED their costumes and we all had a good time making them together for the first hour, and then the rest of the work was delegated to me. Yay. (Please note the dripping sarcasm.) 

Our first thought this year was to actually do a family costume. Misteris and I would be Heather and Hiccup from How to Train Your Dragon, and the girls would all be dragons. There are lots of tutorials on making dragon costumes from hoodies. Awesome, right? Soft, comfy costumes…score!

But here’s the thing. I just really don’t feel like putting hours and hours into creating costumes this year. Plus it was going to end up pretty pricey. Ok fine, that’s 2 things, whatever.

In the end, we decided to go a much simpler/cheaper route.

Wild cats! 😀

SPD friendly Halloween costumes | Running With Spears #halloween #spd

We found Artist a skirt and tank top from Old Navy and Boo a dress from Target. Ordered ears and “babies” from Amazon, already had the grey boots, and Artist needed new boots for this winter anyway. On Halloween, we’ll take an eyeliner pen and give them a cat’s nose and whiskers to complete the look.

Badabing, cheap, comfy, no sew costumes!

And there you have it! Happiness all around. No itching. New clothes they can wear whenever (I got Artist a black long sleeve shirt to wear with her skirt this fall). And most importantly I don’t have to make anything! 

IMG_9271cMaybe it’s not the most original costume anyone’s ever thought of, but we’re not trying to win any awards.

Oh, and Smiles is a jaguar. She was too busy sliding to be in the pic.

Anyhoozles, Happy October! I hope my laziness um, creativity?  has been inspiring. Or something. Yeah. Well, time to go consume all the pumpkin spice things…but especially coffee! Later, gators!

SPD Friendly Halloween Costumes!

2 thoughts on “SPD Friendly Halloween Costumes!

  • October 5, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    Cute! We’re going to be Big Hero 6 this year. The girls get to wear regular clothes. Only Josh has to wear a big costume as Baymax. 🙂

    • October 5, 2015 at 1:33 pm

      Fun!!! We considered doing a Big Hero 6 family theme, too! It’s Smiles’ favorite show, so we were going to have her be Baymax. I want to see pics of you guys in your costumes! 😀


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