So the other night I noticed my three year old had lost her blanket while she was sleeping and I covered her back up. As I was tucking it back in all snug around her I realized that that,  for whatever reason, is my quintessential mom moment. There’s just something about covering a sleeping loved one so they don’t get cold that feels very mothering. I mean this morning I was holding a puke bucket while said three year old vomited her guts out, which is probably way mom mom-ish, but all I could think about was focusing on anything else so I didn’t’ puke, too, lol.

So what about you? What’s the one thing that you think of as being the most quintessential act of motherhood?


What’s your “I’m such a MOM” moment?

One thought on “What’s your “I’m such a MOM” moment?

  • September 30, 2017 at 7:42 pm

    Just today, I was putting a pair of darling little mocassins on my 7 month old grandson. Out of habit, I wiped off the bottom of his feet first. Hmmmmm….he doesn’t even walk. LOL I got a kick out of what moms and grandmas just automatically do!


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