The Pencil Grip, Inc. sent us two of their products to try free for a review: The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors and The 3 Step Pencil Grip Training Kit. The Ultra Safe Safety Scissors are for ages three and up. The scissor blades are
Friday Faves
Hi! So I had fun sharing a fave book quote last Friday, I thought I’d share another this week! I’d love to hear some of yours, too! 🙂
Friday Faves
Do you have favorite book quotes? I have so many saved on Goodreads or highlighted on my Kindle or jotted down on notepads. Here’s one I just love. 🙂
What’s your “I’m such a MOM” moment?
So the other night I noticed my three year old had lost her blanket while she was sleeping and I covered her back up. As I was tucking it back in all snug around her I realized that that, for
Wrath Ladies Who Lunch Giveaway
Hello lovelies. Black Château recently send me an advance copy of Wraith Ladies Who Lunch by Sean Patrick Traver. This book looks like a fun quick read. It’s about ghosts and mummies, and specifically a character named Tasenetnethor who was an actual Egyptian.